A Typical Day at Circle Nursery School...
Daily Schedule
Pledge Weather Calendar Morning Message
Our 3-4 year olds spend their time socializing, learning how to work in a classroom and becoming familiar with letters, numbers, colors and shapes. Our teachers focus on learning through play, hands-on learning, and small-group, large-group and individual arrangements. Our 4-5 year olds continue to build on academic and social skills learned from two day classes. Our teachers also prepare our students for kindergarten, taking into account the NY State Early Childhood Standards. |
Yearly Schedule
Circle Nursery School classes begin one week after the start of classes in the Avon Central School District, and end the first week in June. CNS follows the Avon Central School calendar as closely as possible during the school year for holidays, vacations and closings.
- When Avon Central has a half-day of school, CNS will be in session for a full day.
- CNS will be closed on any day that Avon Central School is closed for a full day ie. snow day or superintendent’s conference day.
- If Avon Central has a morning delay, there will NOT be a morning class.
- In the event that inclement weather arrives during the morning commute or later, teachers will contact families as soon as possible to cancel classes.
- To find out about school closings, listen to WHAM (1180) or watch local TV news broadcasts (Channel 8, 10 or 13) in the early morning.
- Morning class runs 9:15 am - 11:45 am.
- If someone other than a parent is to pick up a child, the staff MUST HAVE a written note from the parent giving permission. Whenever plans for picking up a child change, the staff needs a written slip.
- Please inform the staff of any changes in childcare arrangements. Make sure you include telephone numbers, addresses and any other pertinent information.
- Circle Nursery School requires a health record for each child enrolled in its program. This record must show an up-to-date immunization record acquired before the start of school. Failure to provide such a record will result in the child's removal from school and forfeiture of the registration fee. This regulation is in compliance with the New York State Department of Health guidelines.
- It is essential that your child be completely toilet trained during the day in order to attend CNS.
- If your child has been ill within the past 24 hours, please do not bring him/her to school. This policy is to benefit the sick child as well as to protect the other children and staff. Your signature on the Medical Release Form indicates your understanding and compliance with this policy. Please notify the school by 9:00 am if your child is going to be absent.